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fotele i trybuny sportowe


Telescopic Tribunes — Product Characteristics

Our Telescopic Tribunes allow arranging a space in a public venue for spectators who want to participate in organized sports games or cultural and entertainment events.
With their unique design and construction allowing extending and retracting, those tribunes can occupy less space on the premises while they are not in use. This key useful feature makes the tribunes an ideal solution for such venues as:

Schools – Gymnasiums, Sports Halls – Telescopic tribunes allow you to quickly transform the space into a place for the organization of academies, assemblies, sports competitions, and other school events.
Theatres, Houses of Culture, Arenas, Auditoriums – Telescopic tribunes are perfect for places where the ability to quickly adapt the space is crucial for the organization of various artistic events, seminars, or business meetings.


Trybuny składane teleskopowo z siedziskami kubełkowymi
Trybuny teleskopowe z żółtymi siedziskami prostar poznań
Trybuny 3-rzędowe składane teleskopowo od firmy Prostar
Trybuny teleskopowe z siedziskami prostar poznań
Trybuny teleskopowo składane firmy Prostar
Składane teleskopowo trybuny do hal Prostar
Trybuna teleskopowa z ławkami prostar Poznań
Trybuna teleskopowa na basenie

Basic types of Telescopic Tribunes offered

  1. Manually extended tribunes,
  2. Tribunes extended with the use of an electric engine,
  3. Tribunes with bucket seats, monoblock, model NO-04 and SO-05 ProStar,
  4. Tribunes with folding seats, model Olimp and Arena ProStar,
  5. Tribunes with bench type seats.

Construction of Telescopic Tribunes

Modern ProStar telescopic tribunes are innovative design solutions that will meet the expectations of even the most demanding users. The tribune structures have been designed with versatility, durability, and safety of use in mind.

Technical specifications of Telescopic Tribunes:

  • Steel Construction:

- Made of hollow steel sections as well as elements of dimensionally matched sheets, which delivers a product with excellent strength and structural stability.
- All steel elements are painted in a powder coating system, which ensures greater durability of the paint coating, very good visual effect, additional corrosion protection, and greater protection for people and the environment due to a more ecological than traditional system of preparation and application of the paint coating.

  • Walking Platforms:

- Made of 18 mm thick anti-slip plywood, which guarantees high safety and comfort of use.

  • Tribune Retracting Mechanism:

- The retracting mechanism of the tribune in the telescopic system allows for easy, quick, and trouble-free extension and retracting of this type of product.
- The use of highly efficient bearing mechanisms ensures trouble-free long-term use of the tribune, as well as smooth movement and minimal effort during operation.

  • ProStar Seats Systems:

- Being one of the largest European manufacturers of seats for sports facilities, we offer the possibility to choose from and install a selected seat model from our product range or a bench seating system, depending on the customer's preferences and needs.
- Rigid seats and chairs, e.g. models NO-04, SO-05, Olimp and the benches, offer the spectators stable and safe use of the tribune.

  • Protective Side Rail:

- Telescopic tribunes are equipped with protective railings that protect the audience on the sides, ensuring the safety of use of the tribunes:

Trybuny składane teleskopowo z ławki od firmy Prostar
Trybuny składane teleskopowo z ławki od firmy Prostar Poznań
Trybuny teleskopowe z siedziskami prostar poznań
Trybuny teleskopowe z krzesłami składanymi prostar poznań
Trybuny teleskopowe złożone - krzesła ze składanym oparciem
Trybuny teleskopowe z siedziskami - rysunek techniczny
Trybuny teleskopowe z siedziskami typu lawka - rysunek techniczny

Auxiliary Equipment

Electric Drive

It is possible to design and build the tribune as a telescopic folding system with the support of electric drive. In such case, it is also necessary to install a power and control box on the wall near the tribune. Corded controller is used to operate the extension and retraction of this type of tribune.

LED Lighting

In addition, after connecting an electric power supply system to the tribune, we offer the possibility of installing lighting for pedestrian communication routes. Tribune steps are equipped with stair profiles with LED lighting.

Floor Covering

It is possible to install PVC or other type of floor covering on pedestrian platforms, as agreed with the customer in terms of its type.

Trybuna teleskopowa z krzesłami składanymi Arena
Złożona trybuna teleskopowa na hali sportowej
Trybuny teleskopowe z krzesłami składanymi prostar poznań

Telescopic grandstand seats - models NO-04, SO-05, ARENA manufactured by ProSTAR:

Krzesła plastikowe NO-04 na trybuny teleskopowe
Siedziska plastikowe do trybun teleskopowych
Krzesła ze składanym oparciem na trybuny teleskopowe

Basis of the Study – Guidelines and Standards:

  • PN-EN 13200-1:2019
  • PN-EN 13200-3:2018
  • PN-EN 13200-5:2007
  • PN-EN 1990:2004
  • PN-EN 1991-1-1:2004
  • PN-EN 1993-1-1:2006
  • PN-EN 1993-1-3:2008